F-F District Sends More than 75 Volunteers into Ferguson to help Residents and Repair 2 Schools

Following violent storms that swept through the heart of the Ferguson-Florissant School District on May 31, the district has been cleaning up damage left in the storm’s wake – at the homes of Ferguson residents and at two district schools.

More than 75 Ferguson-Florissant School District administrators and staff fanned out in the hardest-hit parts of Ferguson last week to pick up tree limbs and other debris, and to share information on assistance available to residents.

The district is also making repairs to two of its own facilities.  Ferguson Middle School sustained the most damage in the storm, as a tree fell onto the school’s roof and damaged a water pipe which, in turn, caused water damage to classrooms at one end of the building. Windows at the school were also damaged. Johnson-Wabash Elementary School, located just behind Ferguson Middle School on January Ave. also received damage, including roof damage and water damage in six classrooms on the school’s second floor.

McCluer High School lost power for a few days but was otherwise not damaged. Maintenance and facilities staff removed salvageable items from water-damaged classrooms at Johnson-Wabash Elementary School and Ferguson Middle School to make way for repair crews.  All repairs are expected to be completed before the start of classes Aug. 12.

Principals of the district’s schools in Ferguson have been working to make contact with students and their families who may have been affected by the storm to offer assistance.

As a result of power outages and damage at Johnson-Wabash and McCluer High School, some of the district’s summer programs had to be moved: Elementary-level summer learning programs previously scheduled to be held at Johnson-Wabash Elementary School will be held at Duchesne Elementary School for the rest of the summer. Secondary-level summer programs were temporarily moved from McCluer High School to McCluer North High School, but the programs resumed at McCluer on June 10. ( story provided by Ferguson-Florissant Communications Dept.)

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