Garrett Elementary’s Livingston Honored by Teaching GroupGarrett Elementary’s Livingston Honored by Teaching Group

The Missouri Association of Colleges for Teachers Education (MACTE) has named William “Shane” Livingston one of Missouri’s Outstanding Beginning Teachers.

Livingston has taught fifth-grade math at Garrett Elementary School in the Hazelwood School District for two years. He credits former teachers for giving him the inspiration for desiring a career in the educational field.

“I had many great teachers growing up, and they are the reason I chose this field,” said Livingston.  “Mr. Steinhoff was my music and band teacher from fifth grade through eighth grade. He helped me to fall in love with music. Mr. Sandlin was my high school band director. Seeing the difference these teachers made enabled me to visualize myself as an educator.”

Every two years, MACTE and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education honor excellent new teachers across the state for their work with Missouri’s youth.

“The staff at Garrett is amazing,”Livingston said. “I have learned many things from them, especially, Jolie Pugh and Scott Kratzer. They are my grade-level partners and are forced to work with me on a daily basis. They have demonstrated an extraordinary amount of patience with me, and I cannot thank them enough for their friendships and advice.”

Livingston also had kind words for his students. “I absolutely love my students,” he said. “They are the reason I wake up every day and come to work. I am quite sad that the school year is almost at an end. I am going to miss them so much.”

Livingston is currently attending Missouri Baptist University, graduating with a Master of Arts in teaching at the end of this month.

Livingston was honored during a luncheon in Columbia, Missouri. In addition to this recognition, he is also entitled to participate in a series of professional development sessions on topics of teaching diverse learners in the classroom. He is also invited to participate in round-table discussions with other new teachers and education faculty members from across Missouri.


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