Mayor and Police Chief, Officers Assessing Florissant Storm Damage



The City of Florissant was hit hard last night as the storm blew through the community. After the storm Chief Tim Lowery had his officers immediately start assessing the damage in the area, looking for down trees and power lines and protecting property to those homes and businesses that were damaged from the storm.  The officers have also been directing traffic since after the storm at intersections where the traffic lights still remain non functional.


City workers from the Street, Health and Park Maintenance department were also out until the early morning hours assisting where needed the most.


Mayor Tom Schneider has been in direct contact with Ameren UE obtaining updates on the city’s power outage.  He has been assured that everyone that is still experiencing loss of power should be restored soon.


Mayor Schneider, the Chief, the Chief’s command staff, Director of Public Works and Superintendent of Park Maintenance are in the process of storm damage and resource evaluation to do everything possible to mitigate the affects of the storm.  It will take several days to clean up, the mayor noted.




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