Prescription/NonPrescription Drug Disposal Box Now Available at Florissant Police Dept.

Pictured from left to right: Ann Dettmer of Missouri American Water, Officer Andy Haarmann, Mayor Thomas Schneider, Chief Timothy Lowery, and Captain Randy Boden

Chief Timothy J. Lowery and Mayor Thomas P. Schneider have announced that the Florissant Police Department now has a prescription/non-prescription drug disposal box permanently located in the lobby of the Florissant Police station.

This box was the first one given to a municipality by the Missouri Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal organization, the largest organization of its kind in the United States. The box provides a safe location for citizens to properly dispose of unused prescription/non-prescription medications and an environmentally safe alternative to disposing of both prescription non-prescription medications in landfills and sewer systems, which may negatively affect the environment.

The secured, steel collection box in the lobby of the police department is accessible to citizens any time of the day or night 365 days a year. Once collected, the drugs will be properly disposed of by incineration.

Items that will be accepted include: prescription medications, all over-the-counter medications, pet medications, vitamins and supplements, medicated ointments, lotions, creams, and oils, liquid medications in leak-proof containers, homeopathic and herbal remedies, and suppositories

Items that are not accepted include: illegal drugs, needles/sharps, syringes with needles, thermometers, IV bags and tubing, bloody or infectious waste, personal care products, empty containers, hydrogen peroxide, aerosol cans and inhalers


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