Read more about the article The Muny’s 102nd Season Falls Victim to COVID-19
New mighty Oaks, a fixture on the Muny stage for years, were planted in May in anticipation of the 2020 season which has been postphoned until 2021

The Muny’s 102nd Season Falls Victim to COVID-19

  2021 Season will have  the Cancelled 2020 Shows by Pat Lindsey   The Muny's 2020 season lineup will be postponed until the summer of 2021. No amount of Muny…

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Graham Rd. Construction Starting

Graham Rd-St. Ferdinand Street Resurfacing Work Starts in June Mayor Tim Lowery has announced that St. Louis County Department of Transportation has awarded the contract for roadway improvements to Graham…

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POWERplex Concerts Attract Many Wanting Safe, Fun Time

POWERplex Fills Entertainment Void for Eager Guests; Hosts Local Grads too On May 21, POWERplex, off Highway 370, began hosting outdoor concerts and movie nights. The venue follows all the…

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Read more about the article Powerplex Offers Outside entertainment
This latest rendering of the Sports Youth complex depicts the area just north Highway 370 where six hotels and several restaurants have already committed to build there. The white building in the center is Cabela’s, which will still be the anchor store in the complex. The black roof section is the interior of what was St. Louis Mills Mall. It will house the volleyball courts, the Bradley Beal basketball Center and pickleball courts; many of them already going in. The POWERplex dome is just visible at the top left of the rendering.

Powerplex Offers Outside entertainment

  Concerts, Movies May 21-June 6 at Old St. Louis Outlet Mall Parking Lot   POWERplex, located at the site of the former St. Louis Outlet Mall in Hazelwood ,…

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