Firefighters From N. County Districts To Hold Mass Casualty Exercise April 9

Fire Districts from several North county agencies will be conducting a simulated Mass Casualty Exercises at North County Technical High School on April 9, at 8:30 a.m.

Firefighters from Black Jack, Florissant, Spanish Lake, Riverview, Ferguson, Robertson and Hazelwood along with Christian Hospital will be working with students from North County Technical High School to sharpen their skills in managing an incident involving numerous injured victims in a weather related disaster setting.

Students will assist in the exercises by playing the part of the victims of a mass casualty disaster, as firefighters respond to the school, assess the situation and perform rapid triage to ensure that the proper treatment is provided to those most critical in need as quickly as possible. After patients have been triaged and treated on the scene they will transported to Christian Hospital Northeast and Northwest to test the hospital’s ability in handling multiple patients.

Various student classes at North County Technical High School will also be participating in the disaster event. Students from the Fire/EMS and police class will be responding to the disaster drill, so they will get a glimpse in what the job entails, and students from culinary arts class will be preparing lunch for the participants.

The incident involves: the school being struck by a tornado which caused wide spread damage to the school, multiple victims and a fire. This training is vital for not only the fire departments responding to the incident but the school as well in tracking students as they become patients and need transport to a hospital and the Emergency rooms in checking their level of preparedness.

Fire/EMS and police student will initially respond and begin the process of setting up Incident Command and start triaging the patients.  A simulated 911 call will be made to the local fire department and local fire agencies will begin being dispatched.  As the fire service arrives on the scene they will begin their assessment and call for additional resources as needed.

The goal of the exercises is to see how well the firefighters size up the situation, categorize the injuries and patient condition, how well communications between responders works, how well the incident management system performs, and how well the accountability system at the complex functions.  The results of the exercises will be reviewed so that emergency response plans can be adjusted if needed.

By performing these types of drills the firefighters can assure the community that they are fully prepared to manage any situation that arises with the best professional skills available.

The disaster drill will be held at the North County Technical High School, in the back parking lot, 1700 Derhake, Florissant.

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