Miss Alabama Almost as Famous As QB Boyfriend And the Crimson Tide

By Randy Gardiner

What a shame the National Championship Football Game between Notre Dame and Alabama turned out Monday night. I was so excited about watching the game. I sat down with some snacks and watched the most lopsided game that I have ever seen.

Notre Dame was outclassed and outplayed from play one by the relentless Crimson Tide. The only entertaining part  from the game for me was the comments from Brent Musberger about Miss Alabama, quarterback A. J. McCarron’s girlfriend. I heard Tuesday morning that her twitter following was at 500 before the game and as of 12 hours after the comments she was at over 100,000, that’s right 100,000.

I always talk to kids about the fact that you never know when something good or bad is going to happen; life can change in a minute.

Besides the fact that she was Miss Alabama (and an Auburn grad!) , a 10 second shot on a big football game propelled her into a different world of social media. As adults we have to think about this also. You never know when someone is looking at you and your performance for a promotion or something positive. That’s why I always stress doing or trying to do your best in everything you do.

New Year Always Means Getting in Shape

With every New Year for the past 15 years of writing this column I always talk about losing weight and getting into shape. I know there are a ton of you out there doing the exact same thing. I actually started seven weeks before the new year. I have been trying to stay on track but it is hard with a family and a hectic work schedule. It is possible though.

Keep trying; this could be the year that you can change. That is the attitude that you need to have. I want immediate changes, so when I don’t get those it really frustrates me. I am trying to be patient though. I have to realize that I am in my mid 40s and it is going to take me twice as long to change my physique. I feel I have one more shot of getting into shape before I hit that plateau where my body is too old to change for the positive. We will see.

Will be Great to Get Hockey Back

Are you ready for some hockey? It is back after a long lockout. Will the fans come back to a shortened season? I don’t exactly know.  I would flip a quarter to tell you my answer. I think that in some cities the fans will stand back and protest where others will step up and jump right back in.

I really think, though, that St. Louis will be a step up town. If the Blues can have a successful season, this town will be back on a roll, the Cards, the Rams, and the Blues. With a shortened season, each game will be important. You will see playoff style hockey every night. It could be kinda cool.

Maybe the season each year will be only 48 games.

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