BCS: Playoff System With Wildcards Could Work


No matter what you think of the BCS, this was a great year for college football. I was, as many people I talked to, glued to the TV for many great last minute finishes. Yes, I believe that there are too many bowl games and they become watered down but let’s all remember— it’s about that almighty dollar.

The theory of a playoff system would work great in my opinion just like the NFL has. Let’s pick 12 of the best teams, we would have a wildcard round, then move onto playoff rounds down until there are just two teams and they play for the National Championship.

This way if a team that played in the wildcard round makes it, they deserve it because they won their way through the system.

This would eliminate that guessing per say of who should be there and not be
there. The best would win out. Keep the other bowl games or even better make the playoff games the bowl games themselves.

All that matters is that the Missouri Tigers, a team that was said not to travel well sold out the Cotton Bowl in record time and then put a beating on Arkansas. I hope this will shut all of those nay sayers up about Missouri. They are a darn good team and they proved it. Defensively, the Tigers stopped everything but offensively, Tony Temple lit this place up.

I was really proud to see that the Tigers stayed with a game plan and didn’t deviate from it. They were set on just pounding the ball down their throat slowly and methodically and taking the big blows when they had them. This season and this win has put Gary Pinkel and Missouri amongst the tops in the country and will prove beneficial in the future when it comes to recruits.

What Lies Ahead for the Rams?

Boy, was I happy to see the Rams season slowly come to an end over the holidays with a loss to the Arizona Cardinals. This year really needed to be over for everybody including me. I am the biggest football and Rams fan in the world but it was painful this year. It will be interesting to see what happens in the off season as far as coaching staffs and what people will say about the ownership with Georgia’s ailing health.

Right now, you have to put this thing behind you and move on like the Blues did and market to the fans. I think from what I have heard is that a lot of fans feel like they are on the outside looking in. Let’s get back to the times when we were proud to wear that gold and blue.

Did you make any resolutions for 2008; of course I made the same stupid ones about losing the final 10 pounds to get to my goal. Honestly, you know as well as I do, it will never happen. How about you? Hopefully to have a great year with a lot of good health and prosperity for all.

I am glad to put 2007 to a rest as it was a forgettable year for me as I lost my best friend, Dan Seymour, to an automobile accident. As I look forward though, I will do everything I can to keep his memory alive and remember all of the good times we had.

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