Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Honors Hazelwood District Superintendent, Teacher and Student

Three individuals from the Hazelwood School District were among other outstanding educators throughout the St. Louis Metropolitan area who received honors from the Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. Alpha Zeta Chapter, during its 31st Awards Luncheon.

Grayling Tobias, Hazelwood School District superintendent, was presented an “Outstanding Educator of the Year” award, recognizing his more than 20 years in the educational field.

Christina Hughes, Hazelwood West High School science teacher, received an “Apple of the Teacher” award, for her work in the classroom for nearly a decade.

Jason Sims, Hazelwood Central Middle School eighth grade student, won second place in an essay contest sponsored by the Alpha Zeta Chapter.

“One of our goals is to work to help make schools great for every child,” said Andrea Alexander, American Education Week (AEW) chairperson. “Paying tribute to deserving educators is one avenue to accomplish this goal,” she added.

The Iota Phil Lambda Sorority, Inc., is a national business and professional women’s organization, which hosts the annual “Apple of the Teacher” Awards luncheon, during the third week of November is designated as AEW.

“Although our primary focus is to help girls and young women pursue business careers through our scholarship programs, we also want to show our appreciation to outstanding educators for helping to make our schools great and assist our students in moving their lives forward,” Alexander concluded.


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