Thanks to Family, Friends, Advertisers and All Our Readers

By Tom Anselm

In 1863, President  Abe Lincoln declared that the last Thursday in November be dedicated to a national day of prayer and thanksgiving.  Before him, in 1789, George Washington proclaimed a day for “public thanksgiving and prayer… with grateful hearts for the many and signal favours of Almighty God.”

My personal thanks extend to a great many.  Gratitude is due to my parents and grandparents for their models of faith and foundation of love and stability.  I thank God for the gift of Jill, and the subsequent blessing that is our children, as well as that growing tribe of incredibly talented and comely grandchildren.

A special “thank you” goes to all the readers of what people call this “nice little paper.”  You keep it going with your steadfast loyalty and continued support of our advertisers.  And thanks to Bob Lindsey, celebrating his 25th anniversary as Editor and Publisher of The Independent News, for the opportunity he gave me to write in this paper every two weeks.

May God Bless You and Keep You, this day and always.

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