Florissant Council Considers 2008 City Budget, Up $1 Million

The Florissant City Council held first readings on several bills related to the proposed budget for fiscal year 2008. The city’s budget runs from Dec. 1 through Nov. 30. Mayor Robert Lowery sent the proposed budget which is $1 million higher than last year to the council in October. The council then met to review the budget and make changes.

The $30 million budget is slightly larger than last year’s $29 million budget. The General Fund is the largest part of the budget, at $22 million. This fund includes all city services not covered by the Capital Improvement, Park Improvement, and Sewer Lateral Funds.

The General Fund receives revenues from taxes, licenses, permits and recreation fees. It also receives funds from interest income, municipal court and grants and reimbursements.

The biggest expenditure in the General Fund is the Police Department, which will receive $9.5 million. The next biggest expenditure will be for the Public Works Department, which is budgeted to receive $3.7 million. Other expenditures include the administrative expenditures, the civic centers, and the parks department.

The Capital Improvement Fund is estimated at $3.7 million. The fund receives funding from the half- cent capital improvement sales tax ($3.5 million), interest income, and grants and reimbursements. The largest expenditure from the fund will be $1.3 million for street contracts. Funds will also be spent on bridge repair, sidewalk repairs, and capital additions.

The Park Improvement Fund has budgeted revenue and expenses of $3.3 million. Most of the revenue ($3.1 million) is from the one-fourth-cent park improvement sales tax. Large expenditures in this fund include salaries for park employees, utilities, debt payment, and capital additions. Capital additions range from new treadmills for the fitness centers to a replacement pavilion at Koch Park.

The Sewer Lateral Fund is budgeted at $900,000. Revenue for the fund comes from the $50 fee residents pay. Expenditures include salaries, professional services, and capital additions.

The mayor’s salary will go down from $138,460 for 2007 to $135,746 for next year.

The council will hold the second readings and final votes of the bills needed to approve the budget at the next council meeting.

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