Florissant, North County Chamber Join in Drive To Replenish TEAM’s Food Pantry

Mayor Thomas P. Schneider along with the City of Florissant are joining the community efforts to collect non-perishable food items and are joining The Emergency Assistance Ministry (T.E.A.M)’s food drive.

Given the struggling economy, with many people that are unemployed, there is an ever increasing need to support our food pantries. TEAM’s food supplies are current down and shelves sometimes bare.

The Greater North County Chamber is also assisting with awareness of TEAM’s need to restock its shelves. The chamber is asking its members and the public to bring donation of non-perishable can goods or toiletries to the chamber office at 420 W. Washington. The chamber asks anyone with donations to call its office at 831-3500 before coming by with donations, to make sure someone is there.

Mayor Schneider said, “I ask that you help support this food drive and try and donate as much as you can to help those that need our help during this difficult time.  I am making this plea to all citizens of Florissant who are gainfully employed or have the means to purchase food for those who cannot.”

There is always a need for funds to maintain the basic operations of the food pantry and to purchase food in bulk.  To aid in providing TEAM assistance, designated dress down days will be held  for all  city employees on Sept. 7 and 14   All monies that are collected will go directly to TEAM. Donations can be taken directly to TEAM at 265 St. Catherine, Florissant.


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