8-Day Layoff Did in The Rockies in Series


If you tried to get engrossed in the World Series, it didn’t last long as Boston handed it to the Rockies. I really wanted Colorado to win but the 8-day layoff proved to be harmful.

Many say that these are professional athletes and this should have given them a rest but I say and— as everyone saw— a few days off in baseball can make you rusty or perhaps Boston was just a better team.

I was curious all week to see the TV ratings for the series and as they were posted I was really surprised to see that the rating for this series were higher than the ratings for the Cardinals World Series. I just don’t get that.

As you look at the Cardinals this is one of the few regional Baseball teams left in baseball or any sport. We have huge fan bases in areas like Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, Illinois and many other states and that’s pretty cool. Of course, the Red Sox also have a multi-state following in New England, but I think Cardinal Nation is actually larger.

What do think about Tony LaRussa coming back now with his entire coaching staff again? Is this the right thing at the right time for this franchise? I say lets give it this year and see—what can it hurt. Rumblings around town are that the Cards could maybe be interested in Barry Bonds and who knows, how about Alex Rodriguez for this infield. This guy would be great for this franchise except for the $ 30 million a year price tag. Is he worth that kind of money? Albert Puhols would have to be given a new contract

Rams Fans Should Have Stayed Until End———-

I saved the Rams talk here for the last park this week because that is where they belong. Yes, they played a little better this week, especially in the first half but then the wheels fell off.

You really got a chance to see how big of an impact Steven Jackson makes for this team. They were able to march right down the field and score on their first possession. I thought that it was really funny how they had to call a timeout when they got inside the 5-yard line.

I think they were confused, they had never been there yet this year and they didn’t know what to do. Luckily they scored, and then the St. Louis fans politely stood up and cheered for five seconds and sat back down. If this was any other NFL city the fans would have gone crazy, especially since it was our first rushing touchdown of the year.

What drove me crazy the most was at the end of the game there was two minutes left, the Rams had all 3 timeouts left and only down by 7 and the Dome, no kidding, was nearly empty.

What a joke, the Ramshad a legitimate chance of tying this thing up and almost did. They got the ball back and drove down but were intercepted. I guess all those fans either knew what was going to happen or they are not true football fans But come one, if you’re going to bash this team at least stay and support them all the way to the finish if it is a close game.

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