Hazelwood School District to Receive Community Action Agency Award

For efforts of assisting youth in need, the Hazelwood School District has been selected to receive a special award from the Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc. The Journey Award is an award of appreciation for aiding in the overall mission of the CAA.

Hazelwood School District earned distinction for working with youth counseling and case management services associated with the CAA and will be honored at an annual dinner on October 19, 2007. “This is the first time the award is being given on behalf of youth,” said David Barnes of the CAA. “Three other districts will also receive the award – Riverview Gardens, Ritenour and Hancock Place.”

Julia Burke, assistant superintendent of student services, will accept the award on behalf of the district. Burke works closely with the CAA.

“This award shows a true commitment to our community,” said Burke. “It shows that we are working to make sure that our students and families get the kinds of support that they need.”

CAA provides a variety of services. The district utilizes their counseling services for a range of needs, explained Burke, such as helping children with issues related to social behaviors, anger management, and appropriate peer and adult relationships. “Working with the agency gives us another layer of support and service for our families.”

“I think this award will impact the district in helping us increase the awareness of what the CAA can provide and assist us with, and we can utilize their services in more schools,” said Burke.

“Our goal is to reach all students – high achievers, those at-risk or those that may slip between the cracks. Working with the agency will help us do more to help our families and students.”

Hazelwood School District has collaborated with the CAA for about 10 years. The agency serves all of St. Louis County.

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