LetterTo the Editor: Ex-Candidates For Mayor Says He’s Not Part of FriendsofFlorissant.com

In the October 11, 2007 edition of The Independent News, your article entitled “Critics question budget items during 2008 Florissant Public Hearing”, states that I am affiliated with the group Friends of Florissant. That statement is incorrect. The Mayor would like people to think it is true.

I was approached after the April election about spearheading the call for an official audit of Florissant by the Missouri State Auditor’s Office. After consulting with trusted advisors, I decided against leading the petition drive. I realized that the Mayor would try to make an issue of my loss in the election as the reason for the audit, and my participation in this drive would look like “sour grapes” to the public.

I applaud Nancy Lubiewski on her efforts to organize this petition process. Although I am not a member of Friends of Florissant, I do support their cause and I have already signed their petition. I want to make clear that I am not a founder of Friends of Florissant, and I have nothing to do with their website. I have not financially supported them.

I do believe in accountability in government. During my Mayoral campaign, my website honestly and factually presented the view of Florissant’s finances which was taken from the City’s own budget and internal reports. I believed then and I still believe that Florissant can benefit from an independent State audit of our finance and business practices. I also believe that my loss in the April election did not strip me of my right as a Citizen to question my local government.

For those who want more information on this audit petition drive, check the facts at friendsofflorissant.com

Andrew G Podleski
2185 St Catherine St

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