Dining Divas: Bike-Riding Grandma Divas Alters Dining Out Plans For Other Divas


The Dining Divas get together for dinner out somewhere, preferably a new restaurant or at least a new restaurant to us. Each month we debate about where to go next, and each month, we all get to be picky and enjoy being waited on. Not this month.

The Dining Divas still got together this August but not at a new restaurant. There was no debate this time. We left our pickiness at home and were set to serve (for those of us that had the time). Instead of a restaurant, we went to a Diva home.

Our outings are so much more about our time together than about the restaurants or the food. It’s about the sharing of stories and hardships, the laughter, the gossip, and the advice. This month was no different except we couldn’t help but focus on hardships.

Grandma Diva was taking advantage of the nice weather this summer and enjoyed bike riding with a new male friend she met from de-harmony (more on that later). Unfortunately, she probably should have stuck with walking because she had an accident while riding on the Katy Trail.

After a few days in the hospital, she is now at home recovering, destined to only be allowed to operate a walker and a wheel chair for three months. As mentioned here before, Grandma Diva is an expert beer taster, and I can’t confirm it had any effect on her outcome, but she hasn’t denied having a beer on her last biking adventure. Diva advice #1: Don’t drink and ride, even with a helmet on. We now have her on the “fall prevention plan”.

The Dining Divas were prepared to bring our Diva dinner to her, even if it meant to her hospital bed or to an assisted living facility that we had threatened to send her to. Luckily, she got to come home. The Easy Target Diva made baked ziti; however, we’re not convinced it came out of her oven. The pasta in the disposable aluminum pan sure resembled a Dierberg’s specialty.

The Greek Diva put most restaurants to shame with her simple yet always tasty Caesar salad (you can’t go wrong with any of “Ken’s” dressings) and garlic rolls. You’ll find the best garlic rolls at Schnuck’s in the freezer section next to the Texas Toast, made by Mama Bella. The Risky Business Diva whipped up some very tasty brownies for dessert. This meal got two thumbs up.

Diva advice #2: When you’re laid up for weeks, and at the mercy of others for help, don’t place demands on anyone, especially on a peri-menopausal woman. Start with “please”. Ask or request. And end with “thank you”. Royalty exists in England, not in Godfrey.

We couldn’t help but enjoy our meal while we laughed at our now Physically Challenged Diva. When we asked her what she was doing all day long to keep herself busy, she claims work; however, she’s become quite the Instant Messaging expert with the multitudes of suitors she’s met through on-line dating. But not through de-harmony. Diva advice #3: E-harmony = De-harmony. Enough said.

The Physically Challenged Diva has had great success with on-line dating elsewhere. One doctor she met on-line has offered her medical advice and volunteered to help her with PT. Another suitor took a picture of a bouquet of flowers he was bringing to her on their date they were supposed to have the night of her biking accident and e-mailed it to her. (Yes, she had two dates scheduled on that same dreadful day). Yet another offered to come over and play cards with her while she’s bored. Of course, he wanted to play poker and take all her money.

Diva advice #4: Don’t play cards for money when you’re taking Vicadin. And don’t assume that anyone will take pity on you when you’re in pain…even your roommate.

The setting was different, but the peaceful view of the Mississippi River from the bluffs was better than most any restaurant could offer. Our dinner was delightful, especially knowing it was made with compassion, something we can’t order at a restaurant. But the laughter, the stories, and the camaraderie were all there, just like every month.

Most of the jokes were at the expense of the patient, but we really couldn’t help ourselves. It was just so easy. But she could take it because she knew we were all there just to cheer her up…that and to keep her peri-menopausal roommate calm while Grandma Diva became Queen Diva.

Diva advice #5. It pays to have Aflac. Grandma Diva had just made her first payment. Aflac pays you cash when you get hurt and have to miss work. One payment only, and Grandma Diva has something to quack about.

(Looking for a past Dining Divas column?
Go to our web site at www.flovalleynews.com and type in under keyword: Dining Divas. All of Lisa’s columns from the past year will be available.


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