Opinions All Over the Place on Pujols Signing

By Randy Gardner

Wow, is all I can say since the last time. I don’t even have to say another word as we all know what I am talking about. It was like a bombshell that fell out of the sky as Albert Pujols signs with the Angels. I have so many opinions on this that it will almost sound like I am contradicting myself.

First off, Albert had the chance to be a Stan Musial like character here in St. Louis if he would have stayed. I think all of us understand how St. Louis treat their retired athletes. Now he will just be another athlete that came and went just like Kurt Warner. Even though Kurt left it wasn’t of his own doings and I think that is what makes this so different.

Many are sayong that Albert is greedy,  but is he? What would you have done. If someone offered you at your job more money than someone else.

Would you have worried about what your accounts would say if you were a salesman or what your others would say? Probably not, you would do what is best for you and your family.

We can sit and watch interviews all day long, but what it all comes down to is that it is his life and his decision and no matter how much he and his wife says on the contract neogitations and offers, I am sure they aren’t telling us everything.  And you know what, it is really none of our darn business.

Was Albert the nicest athlete to fans in the world? Probably not but how would you feel if every time you walked out the door every single person in the world wanted to talk to you and expect you to sign something.

Sure that would be great for awhile but it would get old also. Many would say that is part of the job but is it? I think what made this even harder for Pujols and the fans was that he wasn’t open and honest from the beginning,

I always feel that honesty solves a lot of problems. If he would have only come out in the beginning and said what he is saying in these interviews now, fans would have been more understanding. I think the athletes of today have to also understand that fans are nuts. They live and die with them and their teams. They feel so connected to them like they are a part of their family. Is this good? I don’t know but they are role models for children and adults alike.

Should they be? Maybe, but parents should be kids role models. As a fan and a reporter of sports, all AI can say is to keep this whole thing in perspective. The Cards will be okay as they have a lot of talent on this team and winning will heal all of our wounds caused by Albert’s departure.

But truly, don’t let this upset your daily life, there are people who are hungry, in abusive relationships, and are learning they have cancer. These are the people and problems we should be worrying about, not Albert.

With that, I bring to a close, another year of writing my column. I want to say that I truly appreciate the kind words from the readers that I meet on the streets. This column allows me to express my feelings in a way that I find most of you feel also.

This next year will start my 13th year writing this column, oh how time flies, now with a wife and 3 kids, I am so thankful for my blessings in life. Take time and love someone this holiday season, this is what the season is all about.

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