Mayor Lowery Has Developer For New Halls Ferry-Parker


Mayor Robert Lowery announced at the last Florissant City Council meeting that the city has a developer for the New Halls Ferry and Parker area.

Dmyterko and Wright were the only developer to respond to the city’s request for proposals, Lowery said. The proposed development will include the complete demolition of all existing buildings except Keeven Appliances, Lowery said. Parker Spur will also be removed.

“This will be a new ere as far as that area is concerned,” Lowery said. He said the area was important to him because he had promised residents in the area to redevelop the shopping centers when the area was annexed.

Lowery said the first phase of the project would cost $20 million. In an interview after the meeting, Lowery said that phase one would include the area from the mattress store through Parker Road, and slightly south of Parker Road. The second phase would continue the project south on New Halls Ferry.

The developer still must submit plans to the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission (P and Z), and then to the city council for approval. Both P and Z and the council will hold public hearings before deciding on the development.

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