Maybe I Should Fall Asleep More Often During Big Games


Do I look like a genius or what? I am just kidding, look back at an article I wrote a few weeks ago and I said that the Cards would win it all in dramatic fashion. Honestly though, it was just a good guess, nobody can ever predict this game or any other game.

In game 6, I went to bed in the top of the 9th inning when we were down by two because I didn’t want to see the Rangers celebrate in our stadium; my wife woke me up later as the Cards finally won. In game 7, I fell asleep in the 7th inning and woke up to see David Freese was getting his Corvette. Why didn’t he get a bright red one? Not sure of that choice. Almost looked like the car was meant for a Rangers player and it was too late to change it.

Anyway, it was a great ride, one of the most exciting Series of baseball I have ever seen. It was nice to see so many players step up to the plate and do well like, Albert Pujols, Freese and Alan Craig. When Freese made that error on the catch that cost the Cards a run, I felt so bad for him but like I tell my son, do your best and good things will happen.

Don’t ever give up! That’s what he did and he did it in a big way. What a story for the home town kid. I can’t wait to see how his salary will be renegotiated for the upcoming years.

As far as Tony  LaRussa’s retirement, how do you feel about it? I am glad that someone finally walked away from the game when they were on top instead of trying to strive for more. He will now be remembered for his latest accomplishment instead of a guy who stuck around too long. He is for sure a first ballot Hall of Famer.

As far as Pujols, I don’t think that Tony’s decision to leave will affect him at all. Tony wasn’t going to be around for moe than a year or two  of a long term deal for Pujols anyway. I think that Pujols will get his long-term deal at his price in just a few days, watch and see.

Winning the World Series changes a lot of things including opening doors for some and filling the pockets of others. It was great to see all of the fans cheer on the Cards the way that they did. That is why St. Louis is a great town to be a sports fan in.

    Rams Might be Able to Win a Few More

What about those Rams, they can’t be left out of the equation. The team that couldn’t win their way out of a box beats the Saints pretty handily. Could this be the start of a huge run for the Rams?  Probably not but we can hope though can’t we. We need something positive to happen now that the Cards are over and it is up to the Rams.

With Sam Bradford out, A.J. Feely must step up and he did this past weekend. I can see this team winning a few more games but that’s it. They might get to  four wins and I think we should all be happy. Consider it another rebuilding year even though we have been rebuilding it seems like since the mid 2000s. Oh well, we can’t have it all, a World Series is enough for us right now. Just sit back and revel in the glory of being World Champs in baseball.

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