Ferguson-Florissant School District Board Recognizes Students, Staff for Excellence

  The Ferguson-Florissant School District Board of Education recognized the following individuals at a recent board meeting:

• FFSD’s Challenger Learning Center won six awards at the Challenger Center for Space Science Education’s annual conference this summer. The CLC won the Most Students Flown, Most Public Flown and Most Total Missions Flown awards for the third year in a row. The space program also received three additional innovation awards for their Boeing FLIER program, Emerson STARS program and use of student video interviews in missions.

• Berkeley Middle educator Jim Hauf, a social studies teacher, was the first-place winner in the University of Arizona (UA) Center for Middle Eastern Studies’ eighth annual lesson plan competition.

• Junior Jessica Brinkley and seniors Maffitt McDonald and Mark Vassell attended the American Youth Foundation’s “I Dare You” National Leadership Conference this summer. “I Dare You” is nationally recognized as one of the country’s top youth programs. Brooke Tidball, academic coordinator, nominated the students for the enrichment program.

• Judy Ferguson Shaw, academic coordinator, McCluer-South Berkeley High School, earned the Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. National Soror of the Year, Mahala S. Evans Award. This is the group’s highest honor, which is awarded to a member for outstanding achievement in the sorority. She serves as the American Education Week Chair, Scholarship Chair, Youth Coordinator, Local Nat’l Essay Contest Coordinator and Nat’l Career Exploration Chair for the Alpha Zeta Chapter of the sorority.

• Four district staff to be honored with Apple for the Teacher award for American Education Week. They are: Cheryl McKinney, English teacher, McCluer South-Berkeley High School; Aline Phillips, principal, Walnut Grove Elementary School; Rega Wesley-Stewart, math teacher, McCluer High School; and Kathy Williams, reading specialist, Airport Elementary School.

• McCluer North High School (MN) juniors Willnard Anderson and Kamaria Keely, and seniors Darren Barnes and Cierra Dalske, were awarded for being four of 20 students selected for the prestigious Monsanto Artists-in-Training (AIT) Program conducted by Opera Theatre of Saint Louis. The students can also compete for more than $10,000 in scholarships. Their vocal talents will be showcased at a 3 p.m. recital on April 22 at the Sheldon Concert Hall.

• McCluer North (MN) High School Chamber Singers who will accompany the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra at 2 p.m. on Dec. 16 and 18, for its “Holiday Celebration” concert at Powell Symphony Hall. The 21 students will also perform at 2 and 7 p.m. on Dec. 17. The students will perform in four joint concerts alongside Ladue and Fort Zumwalt West High School students.

• Kenya Frazier, a 2010 McCluer South-Berkeley High School graduate, was recognized for her essay describing how the Good Friday tornados impacted her family. She received a $2,000 Barnes/Wilkerson Scholarship from the Rev. Charlie E. and Cinderella S. Taylor Sr. Foundation. Kenya, who is currently a sophomore at Missouri State University, had her home in Berkeley severely damaged during the storm.

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