Dining Divas Enjoy Italian ‘Off the Hill’ at Trattoria Branica

By Lisa Kampeter

This month’s Dining Divas could be told as a love story.  As they say, expect it will happen when you’re least expecting it.  We weren’t looking for love this one September night.  We were looking for an enjoyable evening out, some pleasant conversations with the ladies, and of course, some fabulous Italian food.

We hadn’t expected we’d get so much more.  We hadn’t expected the man of our dreams to be serving us a glass of Prosecco.  Or even more than that, we hadn’t expected that man to just give us the rest of the bottle, on the house.

We hadn’t expected to be captivated by his thick Italian accent, so thick that at one point I needed a translator.  We hadn’t expected his unassuming personality would charm all of us.  We hadn’t expected any of this at Trattoria Branica, and we got so much more.

When you grow up with a large family that creates masterpieces out of spaghetti and meatballs, you have just enough knowledge to be dangerous when it comes to Italian meals.  The Italian Diva recommended we try this restaurant located on Clayton Road just down the street from Plaza Frontenac, but I was worried that it was going to be too far from the Hill to satisfy her expectations.  .

But really, it was just up her alley.  And Luigi made the difference.  Luigi was our gentleman waiter who treated us with kindness and respect while we continued to badger him.  It didn’t take long for the Inquisitive Diva to get the scoop.  He was still madly in love with his wife that he met in Europe several years ago, and he shared with us a beautiful picture of the two of them approximately 25 years earlier.  What a gorgeous couple they were and I’m sure still are!

A few of the Divas tried the Antipasto Misto for Two.  It was calamari, eggplant parmesan, and toasted ravioli.  The eggplant parmesan and calamari were devoured, but the toasted ravioli were mediocre at best.  The Caesar salad’s anchovy base wasn’t too overpowering which was just how one Diva liked it but too plain for another.

The Italian Diva tried the special for the evening, Ravioli stuffed with veal and portabella mushrooms tossed in a sherry cream sauce.  I knew she’d made the right choice when she practically licked her plate clean.  She was so impressed with her food and the restaurant that she purchased a Groupon the next day for the Trattoria Branica located in Kirkwood.

The Chicken Tortellini with peas and mushrooms in a light cream sauce got straight A’s from the Educator Diva.  The Sorrentino or Chicken Breast with eggplant, roasted potatoes, and zucchini passed the test with a couple others. Just the name alone, “Cheese Pillows”, convinced us this dish would be good, and there wasn’t a drop left.

The Picky Diva is always on the hunt for a good serving of Risotto.  Too often she gets disappointed when she orders it at restaurants, preferring her own over their bland concoctions.  Trattoria Branica’s was an interesting and flavorful combination of Italian rice, salsiccia, onions, and mushrooms.  By no means was it bland, but it just wasn’t a combination she preferred.

After all the harassment and fawning we did over Luigi, he never slowed down.  Well, actually he never really moved fast enough to slow down.  He was relaxed yet accommodating.  He made you feel like you would have when you were at home, part of the family.

And to top it off, Luigi surprised us at the end of the evening.  He brought the table a complimentary serving of tiramisu, and it was considered “one of the best” we’ve had.  Plus, he invited us all to come back again, and he’d personally make us a special dessert that we’re sure to love.

And what’s not to love.  We had good food and good conversations…an overall good night out with the girls.  Who ever would have thought we’d find love too.  Be sure to check out Trattoria Branica, and check out Luigi too.  He’ll make you feel right at home.

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