Brightwell Sanitary Relief Project to begin soon

$2.6 Million Brightwell Sanitary

Relief Project Will Begin in Fall

Mayor Thomas P. Schneider has  announced a major MSD sanitary sewer project valued at over $2.6 million, starting this year.

The Brightwell Sanitary Relief project will feature the installation of approximately 5,700 feet of new sanitary sewer lines ranging in diameter from 8 to 24 inches extending from North New Florissant Road and Woodridge Lane in the north to the intersection of Boone Street and St. Joseph to the south.

The new, deeper and larger pipe will add capacity to the sewer and remove sanitary overflow structures which currently discharge into storm sewers during heavy rain events.  These improvements should significantly reduce basement backups for residents and businesses in the area of the project and keep sewage out of area creeks.

Construction is set to begin in September or October of this year, although exploration for underground utilities will begin immediately, and the project will be complete no later than December 2012.  The contract has been awarded to Gershenson Construction.

Questions regarding this project may be directed to MSD’s Construction Manager,  Steve Welnick, who may be reached at (314) 768-6200.

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