NFL Owners Realized They Had A Lot to Lose

By Randy Gardner

**Randy Gardner photo**

(July 26,  2011)

I really thought that my Fall and Winter were going to be ruined as these morons in the NFL kept dragging their feet in settling this lockout. Finally though— as we all realized all along— as soon as the owners realized how much money they would be losing every week, a deal was done.

That is where we are today, days away from camp opening with no OTA’s leading to the season at all. Will this hurt the game as a whole?

I am not really sure, most of these guys have kept in shape but with free agency set up the way it is right now, a lot of players will be with new teams and new schemes with only weeks to learn it.

It usually takes about five months for full free agency and contract, now they have five days. I actually think the players will win in this because time is so limited and deals have to be done. I am really sad that the Rams will not be playing in the Hall of Fame game. I know the game itself is a joke and no one cares but it is the first game of the year, a chance to see real teams on the field. I look forward to it every year sitting my butt on the couch and watching.

Could Collage Players Have a Lockout?

A lot of people always talk about the unfairness to college athletes that the schools make billions of dollars off of them selling jerseys and tickets and they make nothing. Yesterday,

I heard someone bring up the idea of college players doing a lockout of their own on the big stage when it comes to Bowl time. Come out on the field and just sit down. That would be a site wouldn’t it? The college football game generates much more than the NFL, in fact on an average Sunday. 1.1 million people go to football games. On an average Saturday for college ball there is about 5 million in attendance.

What a difference. College football is a multi billion dollar industry for everyone involved. Mark my words, sooner or later we will see some kind of player walkout or holdout in college football or basketball. I think a lot of people would support this.

I know I have talked a lot about my triathalon I have been training for but I have to live the life I preach. On TV, I always talk about health and being healthy and not being to macho to not go to the doctor when something is wrong.

After feeling some chest pains and just chalking it up to being stressed with all of my work duties at work, I decided to be proactive and have some tests done. I have a lot to live for including a job that I absolutely love and live for, as well as my family and my future. I tell you this because life is fragile and can be taken away at any time. Live everyday to its fullest.

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