Former Ferguson Mayor Brian Fletcher Named to Ferguson-Florissant Board


Brian Fletcher as voted unanimously to be appointed a director of the Ferguson-Florissant School District Board of Education. He was sworn at the last board meeting

(July 19, 2011)

The Ferguson-Florissant School District’s Board of Education has filled the vacant director position on its board with the appointment of Brian Fletcher, the former mayor of  Ferguson. Fletcher assumed the duties of director and was sworn-in July 13. His term will expire in April 2012.

The vacancy was created at the end of the school year when former board president John F. Knowles resigned from the board for personal reasons.

As a result, the board invited eligible individuals who were interested in being considered for the director position to submit a letter and resume.  More specifically, the board encouraged individuals who set an example of leadership, encourage and promote cooperation, recognize and promote the positive contributions of each team member, seek ways to turn obstacles into opportunities, and set high levels of statesmanship to apply.

Candidates were required to submit materials by May 31. The current board members then screened, interviewed, selected and appointed Fletcher as director.

“Mr. Fletcher exhibits the characteristics that the board needs in a director to help it set policies that will help it take advantage of the educational opportunities that will present themselves to this district in the future,” said Leslie Suzanne Hogshead, president.

“Having served on the Ferguson-Florissant School Board and as the mayor of  Ferguson in the past, we believe Mr. Fletcher will provide valuable insight and knowledge to board proceedings.”

Fletcher had two daughters graduate from McCluer High School in the Ferguson-Florissant School District.

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