Don’t Take LA’s Interest In the Rams to Lightly

June 23, 2011

By Randy Gardner

**Randy Gardner photo**

Are you buying into the whole issue of the Rams maybe being on the block to go back to Los Angeles? It seems like every few months there is some kind of rumor about this. So many that many people just blow it off.

But I really think you really have to look at this at little closer because there are several angles to this. The man who is building the stadium is originally from St. Louis and that scares me. Ownership of the Rams live in California and remember it is all about the almighty dollar; whatever is best for them is what will happen.

Also if the team doesn’t go directly to L.A., some team will and that will leave an opening in that city for a team. So the option will always be there for the move. The stadium here in St. Louis needs to be up to date by 2014 per requirements from the original lease.

This could play in as a factor.  If you get a chance to see the new stadium proposal in L.A. take a look, it is fabulous. How could you not be tempted by something like that?

How Will U.S. Open Ratings do Without Tiger

How will the ratings do without Tiger Woods in the U.S. Open, will they be affected at all? I think they will, no matter what anyone says, people tune into to see what is happening with Tiger whether it is good or bad.

Does he need to step away from the game for a while and get his head on totally straight? He can afford to take a break. When do you as an individual step away from yourself and realize what you have and how to handle it. Honestly, I think that the PGA has put some pressure on Tiger to stay because of the financial expectations.

When Tiger is playing, the ratings are greater which equals more money. It affects everyone including the TV side as well as the tour itself. I think you just let Tiger qualify no matter what. He, as just one person, is a marketing machine for the sport.

How about Dallas beating the Heat in NBA action in six games. It  was so nice to see the underdogs win when nobody thought they could. No matter what anybody says about Mark Cuban, you have to love his passion for his team.

See us at the North County Community  Festival

Make sure and join me at the North County Community Festival on Saturday, June 25 from 4-9 p.m. at Jamestown Mall. You will be able to enjoy a car show, a swap meet, and free inflatable rides for the kids. There will also be fireworks at Sunset. This event is brought to you by the City of Black Jack and the St. Louis County Police Department. Hope to see you there, stop by and say hi. Have a great week.

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