Florissant Police Join in Youth Safety Belt Enforcement Campaign in March

The Florissant Police Department  have joined with other law enforcement  March 15-31 for an aggressive “Operation Safe Teen” seatbelt mobilization to crack down  on Missouri’s seat belt law violations and to reduce highway fatalities.

Nearly one in four Missourians still fail to regularly wear their safety belts when driving or

riding in a motor vehicle.  Teens are even less likely to wear their seat belt with only 66%

regularly buckling up.  Eight out of ten teens killed in traffic crashes are unbuckled.

“Every day someone dies in a crash in Missouri because they weren’t buckled up,” said

Chief William Karabas.  “We’ll be out there to remind you seat belts can, and do, save lives,”

Chief Karabas said regular safety belt use is the single most effective way to protect people

and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.

For more information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit  www.saveMOlivescom

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