Son Was in 7th Heaven at His First Blues Hockey Game

**Randy Gardner photo**

By Randy Gardner

On Monday night had a chance to do one of the most special things that a father can do with his child and that is to take them to their first professional game. Over the summer, I had a chance that to take my son to his first baseball game but on Monday I took my son to his first hockey game.

I wasn’t sure how he would like the game as it is sometimes hard to follow in person.  The game was supposed to start at 6 pm but didn’t start till 8 because of the special 7’s presentation to  icon players who wore that number with the Blue Note.

We got there and he was overwhelmed by the ice and the aura of the place. The players finally came out onto the ice and he was glued to the scene. The game started and within the first two minutes there were two  big fights, five seconds apart. There were also four goals scored in the first period. It was getting late and he had school on Tuesday so we had to leave after the second period. Unfortunately for us, the game went into overtime and went to a shootout and the Blues won.

I had to listen to the game in the car on the way home, we missed a great one but that what fathers do, watch out for their children’s best interest and that was getting my son in bed so he wouldn’t be tired for school. At the game, we received a poster of all of the “7 ” players and he already has it up on his wall and he gave one to his little brother. He was so proud and I was proud to share this experience with him.

This morning when he woke up, he came into our room and said, dad, “I had a great time with you last night at the game, thanks for taking me.” That is something I will never forget in my entire life.

Getting Sick of NFL Bargaining

I am so sick and tired of hearing about this collective bargaining agreement with the NFL. Let’s get this thing worked out and move on. With all of the extensions here at the end, it shows that they want to get things worked out. If they don’t for some reason, both sides look stupid. They will both loose so much money postponing the season for any time at all.

It trickles down to so many more people including people who work at the Dome, who make their living at hotels that thrive on games at the Dome, it actually goes even deeper than this including tourism and the restaurant business in downtown. Let’s get this settled and move on. Life is about compromises isn’t it?

Thanks To All who Attended Shamrock Ball

I know this isn’t sports related but I just wanted to take a second say a big thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Mayors Shamrock Ball as the Mayors of Black Jack, Florissant, and Hazelwood came together to raise money for the Valley Industries sheltered workshop.

It was a great evening as the King and Queen were crowned in an event that Garden Villas North hosted for the community. If you missed it this year, put it on your calendar for next year. Besides being a great time it raises money for a great cause.

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