F-F Gym Teacher’s Zeal For Marathons Also Helps Students Learn U.S. Geography

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P.E. Teacher Barb Wnek poses with the singlet she plans to wear after officially running marathons in all 50 states on Dec. 11 (in South Carolina).

(Special to the Independent News)

Students in Barb Wnek’s P.E. classes do much more than aerobic exercises that improve cardiovascular endurance. They also learn geography.

It’s not unusual to walk into Wnek’s classes and hear a medley on the 50 states play while teams of breathless students sprint from one side of the gym to the other. They are fetching oversized puzzle pieces of the United States and delivering the treasured states to team members who feverishly work – to solve the puzzle first.

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Aaron Conway, 9, puts the United States map together while other students in his fourth-grade Combs School P.E. class dash for puzzle pieces behind him.

Wnek intentionally adds geography to her P.E. lessons. She hopes that besides wetting her students’ appetites for fitness – she will also improve their understanding of states outside Missouri.

The objective, “Students will improve cardiovascular endurance while learning about the United States,” is even posted on a board in the gymnasium.

“I like that we can run around and work together,” said Emilie Talley, 9, while laying Georgia in its rightful place. “I’ve been to Atlanta and Ohio,” the fourth-grader shared with her teammates.

Brittney Usoroh, 10, has participated in “Read, Right & Run” and “Girls on the Run,” so she looks forward to the gym class with bonus geography practice.

“It’s just good exercise, and it makes you feel better,” the fifth-grader said. “I think it also empowers girls to have confidence.”

Wnek’s fourth-grade classes meet from 9 to 10 a.m. and the fifth-grade classes meet from 10 to 11 a.m. on Dec. 3, 8 and 9 at Combs Elementary School, 300 St. Jean Drive.

“In a sense, having students learn about geography is exercise, because they are exercising the most important muscle in the body – the brain – they just don’t know it,” Wnek said.

“I make a game out of it,” she said, referring to a number of geography games she leads students in during class. “I make it fun.”

And to Wnek running in different states is not only fun, it’s her inspiration for the unique geography lessons she shares with students.

On most weekends you can find Wnek, 61, racing across the country. Her goal is to run a marathon through all 50 states, and she’s on track to complete her goal on Saturday, Dec. 11 in South Carolina. New Hampshire was state No. 49.

Wnek’s students follow along vicariously as she shares news with them about her travels – 26.2 miles by foot – in each state. They especially enjoy admiring the colorful medals she triumphantly brings to class after she returns from a weekend marathon.

She said the kids always ask her how she feels afterwards.

Wnek pauses to think of friends who have health problems before answering with a familiar refrain, “I feel great. I thank my angels I made another one.”

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