Scores May Have Been Close, But Rams’ Talent Still Lacking After 2 Games


Here we are (as fans) two weeks into the Rams season wondering what the heck is going on. The Rams have  played two games that they actually had a chance to win both.

But looking at the games though through tunnel vision, the games weren’t as close as the score showed. Let’s break down this team a bit by position.

At QB, the Rams are staking their futures on a $50 million dollar man and we are expecting him to do everything imaginable. Let’s be realistic, it is not going to happen, at least not right now. The team around him is just not strong enough.

I think that Sam Bradford has the talent and poise but has no time in the pocket to make any decisions.  At running back, we better hope that Steven Jackson doesn’t go down because the Rams would be in deep trouble. The only reason that Bradford has somewhat of a chance is that the defense is always pulled up looking for that Jackson hand off. If he gets hurt there is no threat at all in the way of running back.

As far as receiving, Mark Clayton looks pretty good but remember he was brought onto this team after being let go as was no more deeper than the 4th guy on another NFL team. Defensively, I don’t have enough time or column space to talk about their needs. My advice, be patient, even I am rescinding my 8-8 prediction. I am going 5-11 now. They could  surprise us though as the NFL West is looking pretty weak right now.

Don’t Know What to Think About Cardinals

A team that has no surprises are this year’s  Cardinals. This team has taken a nose dive as though there is an Eagle after the Redbirds. What do you do with this team over the next year or so.

Do you start dumping big salaries and look at developing players or continue to pay high salaries and get poor play. I just don’t get it. How can this happen. Could it be time for Tony LaRussa to go? There are arguments on both sides.

Fans who have paid there money for these last home games like myself to take my son to his first ball game should get a half refund because we are only probably going to see half of the real starters. Even if they are playing, they only playing  at half of their potential anyway. It doesn’t look like any October ball for this team.

Kurt Warner is No Emitt Smith

I am not sure what to say about Kurt Warner and Dancing with the Stars. I watched to see how he would do. The fans loved him and when he was done, he went over to kiss Brenda, probably to let her know that he is not enjoying the time he is spending with his dance partner.

Unfortunately, he is as bad of a dancer as I am, really stiff and uncomfortable. What the heck am I saying?, I’m not a dance judge and I don’t know anything about it. I will leave that to the pros. Let’ see what week 2 brings for Kurt.

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