Schneider Says Florissant Council Members Should Review Charter

Florissant City Councilman Tom Schneider issued a statement contending all members of the council should review the city charter individually.

The city charter review has become a hot topic in the city when a council bill calling for a citizens’ committee to review the city charter was vetoed by the mayor and no council member changed their vote to override the veto.

At the last council meeting, Councilwoman Karen McKay said she would make a motion at the next council meeting (May 24) for a subcommitte of council members review the charter. “All council members can be involved,” she said.

Schneider then suggested that each council member review the charter individually “to become more familiar with its wisdom and guidance.”

“It’s the responsibility of the Florissant City Council to continually review the City Charter and that this responsibility should not be delegated.,” Schneider said.

Schneider said he  has been working under the guidelines of this Charter for 31 years as councilman and for two years as Florissant’s City Engineer hired by James J. Eagan.

“I know from personal experience that Mayor Eagan had a great respect and appreciation of the 1963 charter and he defended it’s fidelity with zeal and enthusiasm.”

Schneider said he hs served with 33 different council members and past city councils have discussed changes to the charter and decided several times to submit amendments that were approved by the voters of Florissant.

” I co-sponsored bills to submit Charter changes to the voters that were passed including one changing the appointment of the Personnel Commission from the mayor to the council and one with Mark  Schmidt asking the voters to establish a Parks Commission.”

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