Town Hall Meeting (March 9) at Eagan Center Cancelled; Mayor Sets New Meetings

Mayor Robert G. Lowery, Sr. announced  that due to unforeseen circumstances, he has cancelled the Town Hall meeting scheduled for March 9, and instead will hold individual Town Hall meetings for various wards in the City.

The subject, the mayor stated, will include the following:  The upcoming CENSUS and its importance to Florissasnt; Ameren’ proposed 18% rate increase; the problems being encountered with the new cable connections for Florissant Government stations; any other citizen concerns that Mayor Lowery or the Council Members can assist with.

New Meeting Dates:

March 18, – 7 p.m. at the John F. Kennedy Center – Mayor Lowery & Ward 4 Councilman Keith English

March 24,- 7 p.m. at the John F. Kennedy Center – Mayor Lowery & Wards 1, 2, & 3 Council Members (Tim Lee, John Grib, and Tom Schneider)

March 25, – 7  p.m. at the James J. Eagan Center – Arts & Crafts Room – Mayor Lowery

March 30,  – 7  p.m. at the James J. Eagan Center – Gymnasium – Mayor Lowery and Wards 8 & 9 Council Members (Mark Schmidt & Ben Hernandez)

March 31, – 7 p.m. at the James J. Eagan Center – Mayor Lowery and Ward 5 Councilman Keith Schildroth

“I deeply regret the cancellation of this meeting but it is unavoidable and I hope that you will all be able to attend the newly scheduled meetings, ” Mayor Lowery said.

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