Florissant Reports Decrease in Crime Rate for 2009 Compared to 2008

With all statistics in for 2009, major decreases are shown over 2008 in various crime categories in the City of Florissant.

“We are absolutely delighted to make this report on crime for the City of Florissant,” said Mayor Robert G. Lowery, Sr., accompanied by Police Chief William Karabas. Lowery congratulated Chief Karabas and his staff, police officers and all members of the Citizen Neighborhood Watch for their diligence.

The following categories showed decreases:

Category 2008 2009 Change

Rape                                    8                       6                      2

Robbery                            75                     62                     13

Residential Burglary    294                 256                     38

Commercial Burglary     61                    46                      15

Motor Vehicle Theft      197                  139                     58

Arson                                    6                       3                        3

Simple Assault                455                  385                     70

Property Damage            432                  392                     40

Sex Offenses                       13                     10                       3

Through grants, extra motorized and walking patrols were added for the Christmas holiday season there was only one shopping center instance requiring police attention.

The City will start a new program very soon addressing a national problem —shoplifting. Shoplifting, according to Mayor Lowery and Chief Karabas is one of the great dangers to the economy in that thefts amount to billions of dollars.

The Mayor has asked Chief Karabas to assign a staff officer to review a new program by The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, review the program’s progress and see how the City of Florissant can cut its costs due to shoplifting. Mayor Lowery said. ” St. Louis County also reported an overall decrease in crime of about 10 percent  with the North County Police precinct experiencing the second steepest decline among all county precincts.

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