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HAZELWOOD WEST DONATIONS: Two girls from Hazelwood West High wait patiently to load a box full of gifts onto a bus bound for Room at the Inn, an organization that serves homeless and needy families.
Students Gifts to Support Room at the Inn Families
Students at Hazelwood West High School continued a tradition of supporting families served by Room at the Inn, an organization that provides assistance to the homeless and needy.
On Dec. 10, students loaded two buses with clothing, household items and holiday wish list gifts for 15 families. The families have two to five members, some with children ranging in age from 4 months to 17 years old.
Matt Moellering, a speech-language pathologist, and Karl Herman, a science teacher, coordinated the effort.
“By my estimates, we fulfilled 85 to 100 percent of all the items listed for each family,” said Moellering.
“The shelter was speechless. I don’t think they were expecting us to arrive with two buses full of gifts,” he said. “They were especially surprised when I handed them more than $300 in cash and more than $400 in Walmart gift cards.”
“They hugged us a couple of times because they were overwhelmed with the generosity of our school.”
Money and gifts were donated by students, teachers and staff in classrooms throughout Hazelwood West High. Local businesses such as Shop ‘N Save and Deavers made cash donations and others gave students discounts because they were making purchases for charity, Moellering said. Student organizations did their part, too.
“The National Honor Society students worked to motivate teachers and classmates. They were a big help,” Moellering said.
“The interest is very high for the rooms that participate. They go all out.”
“In order to increase participation next year, Karl and I are going to create a committee of teachers to see how we can improve the charity project. We are definitely going to talk to more local business owners to see if they would be willing to donate to the cause,” Moellering said.
Hazelwood West High School has donated to Room at the Inn since 2005.
(Story courtesy of Hazelwood School District)