Be Thankful for Family, Friends, Sporting Events


With  Thanksgving next week away, we should all be thankful for the many things we have in our lives. This includes family, friends, and our freedom. When you sit down at Thanksgiving dinner, remember the families that are apart as a member of their family is serving this country.  As I get older, I cherish  every holiday I spend with my family.

I remember as a child the memories that we created on those days and now I watch my children in the same way, as they will remember these days forever.

A lot of times, I think we get lost in our everyday worlds and forget to stop and smell the roses and cherish what we have around us, because in a second it could all be gone. So my suggestion to you during this Thanksgiving Holiday is to take an extra couple of minutes and look around you and cherish everything you have.

Be Thankful We Have Pro Football

Even though they cause us a lot of heartache and grief, be thankful that we have a Professional Football team. I know every Sunday, it is a pain staking event to watch the Rams either play bad and lose or play really good like they did last week against the Saints and lose.

It’s a loss either way. I heard a great comment the other day, someone said to me, “Imagine how good Steven Jackson would be if he played for a good team”. Isn’t that the truth— he could have over 2000 yards, but I like his determination and leadership on this team right now.

. This Sunday Kurt Warner will be back in town and this should be a good one, I really think the Rams will give the Cardinals a run for their money. Both teams have something to prove, especially the Cardinals playing for a Playoff spot again.

St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame

Next week, I will be writing about the St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame induction. This will be a great event but unfortunately fell after my deadline for this week’s column. Their will be almost every great in the world of St. Louis Sports at the event. Thanks to Greg Maracek for the ideal that will come to fruition in the actual Sports Hall of Fame that will be at the Scottrade Center around the concourse level for all to enjoy.

I will keep you up to date on the scheduling for completion for the Hall of Fame. I know Greg is always looking for donations to the Hall of Fame, so look in your basements or attics and look for those sports gems of the past, you can donate them or loan them to the Hall of Fame. Next week I will give you the contact information for those sports items and how you can get in contact with Greg,

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