READ ALL ABOUT IT at Kirkwood Performing Arts Center

EXTRA! EXTRA! “Disney’s Newsies”

is a Big Winner for STAGES!

       by Pat Lindsey

Here’s the scoop, so read all about it….STAGES St. Louis, under the direction of Steve Bebout, has produced the best version of “Disney’s Newsies” that I’ve ever seen! It is pure delight from the opening duet through the high-energy dance numbers to the exuberant ending.

“Disney’s Newsies, The Broadway Musical” is based on the 1899 newsboy strike that was provoked by Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst when they decided to charge their delivery boys more for their newspapers in order to increase their own profits. Times were already tough enough for the poor New York orphans who sold “papes” from sun up to sundown on the “stinkin streets of New York.” A decrease in their earnings without any warning was more than they could bear.

Enraged by the unfairness of it all, newsboy Jack Kelly (Daniel Marconi) boldly stands up before his fellow newsies and convinces them to put down their papes and strike. The Lower Manhattan boys then go to the other boroughs to unite all the newsies in a stirring protest. It would have been difficult, if not impossible, for this “ragtag gang of ragamuffins” to fight the powerful newspaper magnates if it had not been for a female reporter named Katherine Plumber (Taylor Quick), who just happens to be Joseph Pulitzer’s (Christopher Gurr) daughter. Katherine is supportive of the strike for equality and fairness and gives the boys the publicity they need by writing a front page story for the competing New York Sun.

As the strike gets un derway, the audience gets to know the main characters. It’s easy to fall in love with Jack Kelly, the strong, artistically talented leader of the newsies. It’s no wonder Katherine Plumber falls in love with him, too.           Crutchie (Matthew Cox), the mistreated physically handicapped boy who ends up in the rat-infested Refuge, gains our sympathy and punctuates the need for child labor laws. Davey (Richard Spitaletta), who is not an orphan, but sells papers to support his family, becomes Jack’s wingman during the strike. Davey’s little brother, Les (Davin Wade), steals the show with his 10 years (almost!) of worldliness and gutsy charm. Medda Larkin (Anita Michelle Jackson) is the other female character who supports Jack and the strike and allows the newsies to use her theater for their rally. She graces us with her big, beautiful theatrical voice in her solo, “That’s Rich.”

Katherine Plumber (Taylor Quick), uses her brains and influence to become the driving force behind the newsies and their chance to win the strike. When her father prohibits her from writing articles for any New York newspaper, Katherine finds another way to publicize the strike. She also adds a new hook to make the strike about all working children, not just the newsies.            The entire cast pulls the audience into the fight with their fantastic songs and energetic dance numbers. The choreography by Lindsay Joy Lancaster is nothing short of amazing! The catchy songs by Alan Menken and Jack Feldman run the gamut from the sweet and yearning “Sante Fe” to the robust and rousing “Seize the Day.” “King of New York” is the accompaniment for the big tap dance number that opens Act II. The actors’ voices are as varied as the songs and they meld together beautifully. The duet, “Something to Believe In” by Jack (Marconi) and Katherine (Quick) is a crowd-pleaser. Even though he doesn’t act like it, Daniel Marconi as Jack is the undeniable star of the show. Taylor Quick as Katherine is his perfect love interest and singing partner.

\             “Disney’s Newsies” is a striking success worthy of STAGES’ 38th Season celebration. It is being presented at the Ross Family Theater in the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center now through Aug. 25.   For tickets, go to or call the box office at 314-821-2407.