Pipes For Parkinson event

Robert Schneider starts “Pipes For Parkinson”;

Local Jeweler Says It will help his Wife

Pipes for Parkinson’s is a new movement started by long-ime Florissant

Jeweler to raise money for Parkinson’s after his wife was diagnosed with the disease.

Joanne, his wife, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about seven years ago, said Robert Schneider, co-founder of Pipes for Parkinson’s. He says   her condition over the last few years has gotten increasingly worse, but added “we got everything under control.”

Schneider studied the organ right after high school but didn’t pursue but it did renew his interest in music. One day at the breakfast table they came up with this idea of ‘Pipes for Parkinson,” He later reached out to the local chapter of the American Guild of Organists.”

Schneider was able to recruit eight volunteers for a recital on March 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Little Flower Church in Richmond Heights. He hopes to have concerts featuring different kinds of music throughout the year to raise awareness for the APDA        Parkinson’s disease is a form of movement disorder that can affect the completion of everyday tasks. A long-term and advancing condition, symptoms often increase as time goes on.