Historic Florissant Home Needs Repairs

Reeb House Needs major Repairs after Feb. Fire

On Feb. 20, 2023 the historic Reeb House caught fire. The Florissant Valley Fire Department responded immediately and was able to save all but the back portion of the house. Upon further investigation it was discovered a renter had set the fire and was charged with arson. No persons or pets were injured but the 1870 home sustained quite a bit of damage due to the fire, smoke, and water.

Antoine Reeb was one of Florissant’s first French immigrants. He was a successful carpenter and built four houses on one block of land. Two of those homes remain on St. Charles Street. The Reeb house is historically significant as it was built by a French immigrant and it is one of two homes in the historic district with a mansard roof. This French building style is only seen on the brick Douglas House on St. Francois Street and on the wood frame Reeb House.


The current owner of the Reeb House is understandably upset with the circumstances. At this point in his life, he is not able to restore the home to its original state. He has offered to sell the house to Historic Florissant for $1 with the understanding the home will be restored. If by chance Historic Florissant, Inc. (HFI) cannot save the historic house it will be demolished.

Before HFI is able to buy the property, they must acquire community support by way of in-kind donations of labor; a certified electrician, plumber, builder, architect, and structural engineer are needed. Once labor has been secured additional fundraising efforts and grant writing efforts will begin. Funding will be used for cost of materials.

Those interested in donating services or donating funds to help save the historic Reeb House should contact Historic Florissant, Inc. at 314-565-1468 or send donations to:

Historic Florissant, Inc.

1067 Dunn Road

Florissant, MO 63031


Historic Florissant is a 501 (c) 3 and all donations are tax deductible.