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Read MoreCity Council Meeting June 27
Florissant To Get State’s First
Peach Cobbler Factory in August
By Carol Arnett
Florissant residents will soon have two more options for buying baked goods. The city council held two public hearings at the Monday meeting, one about a new restaurant and one about a change to St. Louis Bread Company.
The first public hearing before the council was about a request for a special use permit to Peach Cobbler Factory for a sit-down, carry-out restaurant at 12 Paddock Hills Shopping Center. The restaurant has approximately 45 locations in Georgia, Kentucky and other southern states. This would be the first location in Missouri.
Nicole Banks is the owner. She said she was visiting a location in Kentucky and decided to purchase a franchise. She said they would offer five menu items, including twelve flavors of cobbler, five flavors of banana pudding, three cinnamon rolls, and beverages. There will be no alcohol sales. The restaurant will have seating for 30. The hours are noon to 8 p.m. seven days a week. There will be four full-time and four part-time employees.
Banks said she would like to open in mid-August, with the grand opening over Labor Day weekend.
Councilman Robert Parsons said that he had mentioned this restaurant to a few people who were very excited about it coming to Florissant. Councilman Patrick Mulcahy said that, he too, had heard that the chain was very good.
The council held a first reading on the bill that would approve the project.
The second public hearing was about a request from Panera at 2375 N. Hwy. 67 to make changes to the drive-through. Patrick Bennett spoke to the council about the proposed changes. The change, he said, would add a rapid pick-up lane for online orders. Currently, customers must park and go in to pick up these orders. After the change, customers can go in or use the new lane. The lane would be added next to the current drive-through, and would eventually merge with the regular drive-through.
Councilwoman Jackie Pagano asked about the merging required between the regular drive-through and the express lane. Bennett said Panera had used this plan at other stores and had not had problems.
In other matters, the council:
•Passed a bill vacating a portion of Brown St. at St. Joseph.
• Passed a resolution supporting a grant application for a grant for relocation and construction of a new restroom in St. Ferdinand Park.
•Postponed a request for a full package liquor license for Door Dash Essentials at 1 Paddock Hills Shopping Center to the July 11 meeting.