Two Propositions on April 5 Ballot in Florissant

2 Florissant Propositions
On April 5th Ballot in City

Florissant residents will vote on two propositions (A and U) on ballot in the city on Tuesday, April 5. There are no council races or any other issues on the ballot.

Prop A is a general obligation bond issue that, if passed, would generate $9 million for major new improvements at the city aquatic facilities at Koch Park and Bangert parks. Based on eleven cents per $100 assessed valuation or $3 per month on an average Florissant home. Approval would need a four-seventh majority.

Prop U, if approved, would establish a tax on out-of-state purchases that would be equal to the city’s tax rte. . It will not increase the local sales tax you pay when shopping in Florissant or anywhere in Missouri. The funds would help maintain existing city services such as police protection, senior services, code enforcement, street and sidewalk repair, street lights and other services.

A simple majority is needed for passage.