Coucil Holds 4 Florissant Public Hearings:


Tire Storage, A Car Wash, New Hawaiian

Restaurant, Redisticting Report Discussed

     By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council met Monday for the first March meeting. The council had four public hearings and several bills on the agenda.

The first public hearing was about a request to allow a tire storage structure at Quick Stop Automotive at 1685 N. Hwy. 67. Donnell “Malik” Sims spoke about the plan. He said that the business has been doing well and needs more tire storage. They are currently storing them in a trailer. They would like to enclose the trailer in a fence.

Councilman Patrick Mulcahy said he had some concerns. He said the business had previously had the automotive bays filled with tires and had employees doing work outside. He said he would like the business to screen the entire property line with the trailer.  Sims said that no work was being done on the parking lot now. No one spoke at the hearing. The council voted to continue the bill that would approve the project until they had more information.

The second public hearing was a request from Take 5 carwash at 2925 N. Highway 67 to change the exterior material on the carwash. A previous design was approved. Take 5 wants to change the exterior materials in a new design. Kyle Flaming spoke to the council about the change. He said the cost of the previous design and the proposed design were more or less the same.  Councilman Jeff Caputa said the he would like more information on the proposed materials and how they are attached to the building. No residents spoke at the hearing and the council held a first reading on a bill that would allow the change.

The third public hearing was about a request for a sit-down, drive-through, carryout restaurant at 13963 New Halls Ferry Road. This will be a Hawaiian Brothers restaurant, part of a company that has 28 restaurants around the country. This will be the first in the St. Louis area. They are based in Kansas City and have 12 locations there.Bill Simes spoke to the council and said the only change to a previously approved plan was one requested by the city regarding the exterior materials No one spoke in opposition to the project and the council held a first reading on a bill that would approve the restaurant.

The fourth public hearing was about the Redistricting Commission report. Susan Geerling and John Heithaus spoke to the council about the report. Heithaus said the commission tried to minimize movement of residents from one district to another any more than necessary. He said they followed provisions set out by the voting rights act and subsequent acts regarding voting rights. Every ten years, when the United States does a census, it is required that cities look at their districting and adjust as necessary, Geerling said. The commission was set up to do this.No one spoke at the hearing and the council held a first reading on the bill that would authorize the changes.

   In other matters, the council:

  • Passed a bill authorizing an appropriation of $108,000 for Building and Grounds Maintenance and Supplies – Janitorial Services.
  • Passed a bill authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with Bell Cleaning for janitorial services for city facilities.
  • Passed a resolution standing in support of Ukraine and urging the end of Russia’s invasion.
  • A bill authorizing an appropriation of $100,000 for right of way acquisition services for the St. Denis Phase 1 project.