Florissant’s 1st ‘Miracle on rue St. Francois’ was Attended by Many

First Annual Miracle on rue St. Francois Was a Hit

Photos and text by Nichole Richardson

  A Santa decoration rides in the golf cart parade down rue St. Francois, taking part in the City’s first Miracle on rue St. Francois event held on Saturday, Nov. 27. The crowd was large and festive, with many family activities inside and out. The celebration was attended by many people as something for everyone awaited at the City’s Christmas event. There were pony rides, a petting zoo, and even a camel!
Carolers sang outside City Hall and patrons enjoyed craft booths, visits with Santa, a plaque dedication, the traditional tree lighting and new this year, a night-time golf cart parade! The Grinch even enjoyed himself as he laughed with the kiddos and watched as the VOF Queen and Court rode past.