Florissant Business License Fees debate

Florissant Business License Fee Increase:

Council Could Delay The Fee Hike

If Issue Passes on Nov. 3rd Ballot

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council has heard from several business owners recently about the business license fee increase that will be on the Nov. 3rd ballot. According to Councilman Tim Lee, the council has listened to business owners’ concerns and is taking action to allay those concerns.

“This thing probably wasn’t’ handled the way it should have been,” Lee said and Monday’s council meeting. He said that he has offered to meet with the Greater North County Chamber of Commerce to discuss the issue. The Chamber has been a vocal opponent of the license fee increase.

“We understand this is very, very poor timing,” Lee continued. He said that even if the increase passes in the November election, “we’re willing to delay the fee, and not raise it in 2010. We’ll meet with the chamber to discuss a phase-in of the increase, like the chamber has suggested.”

“Not everyone was informed,” Lee said. “We should have met with businesses.” Lee also suggested that everyone use this time to “clear up some misunderstanding s and misconceptions.” He said that some fees had not been increased since the early 1960s. “Should they have been increased every ten years? Probably,” he said. He said it was important to remember that the fees were not “a windfall for the city,” but the current amounts, in some cases, were not even enough to cover the administrative fees of processing the license.

Councilman Andrew Podleski asked City Attorney John Hessel if the council could legally delay raising the fees if the proposition raising fees passed in November.

“Yes,” Hessel replied. “The vote will be on a ceiling. You can go up to the approved amount or a partial amount, but not over.”

Councilman Karen McKay said that she would “be very supportive of doing everything to appease business owners. It’s important that everyone is on the same page.”

“I’m glad this is being resolved in this manner,” Mayor Robert Lowery said, although he said he was the last to know about it. “I appreciate it being resolved, I don’t appreciate being the last to know,” he said. “I am in complete accord with the council.”

Chamber Takes Stand, Opposes

Business License Fee Hike

The Greater North County Chamber of Commerce has came out against Proposition A – City of Florissant Proposed Business License Fee Increase on the Nov. 3,  Election Ballot.

Business members of the Greater North County Chamber of Commerce hope to inform local residents about—about what they say— is the negative impact these license fee increases will have on local businesses and the economy.

“It will be unduly burdensome to businesses because it comes at a time of a historic economic downturn facing the entire country,” a chamber press release stated.

“Indeed, during these tough economic times, many businesses are struggling just to keep their doors open,” said chamber president Diana Weidinger. “To burden businesses with increases during this downturn in the economy is a bad idea and a danger to the economic livelihood of the City of Florissant.”

For more information please visit the Chamber Web site at www.greaternorthcountychamber.com or call 314-831-3500.

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