Florissant Author Tells Story about Dinky at World’s Fair

Delmar the Dinky book cover

A new children’s book written by Florissant resident Pat Danna,

tells the story of the little trolley that time forgot, just before the 1904 World’s Fair in Forest Park.
Delmar the Dinky is the little trolley who wants to take passengers to the World’s Fair, but the large

streetcars and trains think Delmar is too small for the task. Can he prove them wrong? Readers  can follow

Delmar as he overcomes his challenges to achieve his dream.
A dinky is a small streetcar that carried about 40 passengers along Delmar Boulevard to the  fairgrounds

in 1904. The book teaches children many important life lessons such as perseverance and confidence.
Danna was entertained by her late co-worker, Harold Noss, with stories of his riding the Brentwood dinky

as a child. Danna took the idea, along with some research and her previous passions as a

History teacher and library assistant, and melded it all into one fun children’s book.
“I’m always looking for the undiscovered ‘gems’ of our local history,” explained Danna.

She also noted the book has a central theme among the lessons inside it, and that children will learn “A  little bit
of forgotten history; but more importantly, despite your size, you can overcome any challenge  with hard work,
determination, and the desire to succeed. Delmar did!”
Pat Danna has a B.A. degree in Political Science and an M.A.Ed. in Education. She taught Social Studies and
worked as a library assistant. Pat lives in Florissant with her two rescued terriers. www.patdanna@gmail.com