Proper Footwear with Tom


If the Shoes Fit,
Best to Go For It

                           Tom Anselm

Consider this movie trailer for today’s discussion.
“In a world of chaos, sickness, political upheaval and snow storms in Texas, one can lose sight of the really important crisis facing the nation and the world today: Proper Footwear.”
Silly, of course. But who among us with feet doesn’t wear shoes? Just think of all the shoe stores that line the boulevards, each department store with huge stocks for men, women, and children. And any size and type of shoe can be bought online without even trying them on! Some people (mostly women, sorry…) have entire walk-in closets devoted specifically to ‘tootsie togs.’
I know you could say this is more a first-world phenomenon, but even people in very poor countries value a good pair of shoes.
Now recently my closet has undergone a metamorphosis of sorts when it comes to this all-important item. I donated more than a few pair of dress and casual shoes and got rid of a couple of old-faithfuls in the way of tennies. I figured, back in last March, what with the pandemic and all, that this was going to be the perfect opportunity to get in a lot of walking. And I was right.
I also came to realize over the course of that time that the athletic shoes I had were just not doing the job anymore. My needs are very specific when it comes to athletic wear, what with a couple of lower extremity joints in arthritic decline. In past years, I’ve tried Adidas, Nike, Reebok, ASICS, and Converse. Ah, Converse. Allow me to wax nostalgic for a sec. Long gone are the days when I could strap on them there yellow hi-top Chuck Taylors and go hours on end at tennis courts or soccer fields.
I did feel that I hit the big time back when I was a senior in college and purchased, with my very own money, The Classic pair of white Adidas with the black stripes (Mit den drie streifen). Why, I thought I was so cool. Because of my shoes.
However, over my younger years ‘Con’s’ were the togs of choice. But for these 72-year-old wheels, something more significant was in order. So when it comes to athletic shoes, I am notoriously the guy who looks for price above all else. But this time I had to forego the bargain shelf. If this boy was going to ‘walk like a man, walk on by, walk like an Egyptian, walk the line,’ then this time it was gonna cost me.
So, at The Lovely Jill’s kind recommendation I went to this store called Fleetfoot. Talk about high-tech! They took 3-D videos of my mangled feet/ankle and weeble-wobble gait. Then they fitted me up after several tries with a sweet brand called HOKA, which combined plenty of padding and support as well as wide toe space. It set me back a cool 150 clams, which is about the normal equivalent of three pair for me. But, it has proven to be a worthwhile investment in foot comfort and leg relief. Not to mention they are kinda ‘neato.’
Now combine that with a newly-acquired pair of waterproof Sketcher hiking boots with the same features as the HOKA, and I may never have to buy another pair of shoes again. Oh yeah, last year after Christmas I did score a highly-discounted pair of ankle-high tan leather boots that worked just fine. These boots are not made for walkin’, so while I’m not exactly walkin’ on sunshine, at least they are dressy enough for church. The end result of all this being that the old closet floor has fewer participants these days, but those that now reside therein are all good to go.
So I say thank you to the folks at Fleetfoot and Sketchers, and thanks to you for reading this meandering, inane story. Let’s end this drivel by singing the Liverpool soccer fans in a rousing rendition of their theme song, as we ‘Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone. You’ll never walk alone.’
Although, honestly, I don’t mind walking alone, as long as my feet don’t hurt.