Hazelwood District updating parents on school safety concerns


Supt. Chris Wright of the Hazelwood School District, took time at the last school board meeting to address concerns about school safety.

“I want to talk about what is on everyone’s minds in the wake of several national school tragedies,” Wright said. She said she would be sending a letter home to parents in the district to update them on the district’s ongoing efforts to ensure student safety.

“All schools have emergency and crisis plans,” Wright said. The district partners with police and fire officials to update these plans on a regular basis,” Wright said.

All schools currently have ID badges for employees and visitors, and the middle and high schools also have badges for students. All schools also have keyless entries where the police and fire departments recommend them.

The district is working on improving the outdoor lighting at all facilities, Wright said. All school doors are locked during the day and visitors must sign in.

There are telephones in all classrooms, Wright said, so that teachers or others could call for help. Teachers and staff are in hallways both before and after school and in between classes.

“We conduct drills, including intruder drills, at all schools,” Wright said. At the secondary schools, safety officials patrol the schools.

“We want to create an environment where all – students, parents, and employees – fell they can come with concerns and information,” Wright said, urging anyone who sees or hears of something unusual to report it to school authorities.

“Our children’s safety is our number one priority,” Wright said. “We continue to be very vigilant in being sure that child safety is maintained.”

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