It’s Eagle Time

Alton Convention and Visitors Center photo

The 12th annual Eagles Days at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge will be held on Jan. 13 and 14, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. both days. The eagles return to the area each year in search of fish in open water of the Mississippi River.

The eagles are the main attraction. View a live eagle up close in the education tent where the program is repeated every 20 minutes from 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. From the bridge, use viewing scopes to spot eagles fishing, riding ice floes, soaring overhead or roosting in nearby trees. The program will also showcase Lewis & Clark re-enactors, who will have a camp set up reminiscent of the 1804–1806 Corps of Discovery Expedition to give visitors a glimpse of life during the explorers’ time.

During the winter, the Mississippi River hosts one of North America’s largest concentrations of bald eagles, who are drawn to areas of open water in search of fish, their preferred food. The Chain of Rocks rapids to the south of the bridge are ideal fishing grounds. The bridge itself – a former Route 66 crossing owned by the City of Madison, Ill., and renovated in 1999 by Trailnet as one of the country’s longest pedestrian/bicycle bridges – makes an ideal viewing platform for both children and adults.

Free parking is available at the Missouri Tourist Information Center (Riverview Drive and I-270) and at North Riverfront Park (Riverview Drive south of the water treatment plant). Free shuttle buses will be available at both locations to transport visitors to the Missouri bridge entrance. For a fee of $5, visitors may park at the Missouri entrance to the bridge; handicapped visitors may park in this lot free of charge.

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