Grafton’s 4th of July Celebration

The riverfront community of Grafton says good-bye to receding flood waters and hello to summer travel!

Downtown Grafton on Summer’s day in a previous year.
Downtown Grafton on Summer’s day in a previous year.

Following this year’s flooding, Grafton is ready for a celebration. This year’s flood was the second highest in recorded history and just 3 feet below the 1993 flood.

Mayor Rick Eberlin and the City are using the Independence Day celebration to mark the unofficial reopening of Grafton to tourists. The event will take place on July 6, 2019 at 8:30 pm near The Loading Dock restaurant and bar.

The Loading Dock’s view of the river taken previously.
The Loading Dock’s view of the river taken previously.

While areas of Grafton that remain under water, the majority of Grafton’s unique restaurants, shops, and businesses will be accessible.

The owners of the Grafton businesses are forward to “seeing you, your family and friends real soon. It’s going to be a great summer.”

For additional information and updates about businesses and highway/street conditions go to:


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