New Fountains and Upgrades Installed . . .

At St. Ferdinand Lake

The new fountains in St. Ferdinand Lake at St. Ferdinand Park make for a pleasant daytime experience. The lake will also be restocked with fish in late July.
The new fountains in St. Ferdinand Lake at St. Ferdinand Park make for a pleasant daytime experience. The lake will also be restocked with fish in late July.

Over the winter the Parks & Recreation Department has been busy dredging St. Ferdinand Lake, installing new intakes for the waterfall which draws water from the bottom of the lake and installing new fountains that will also draw from the bottom, which allows for more oxygenation of the water. More oxygenation will allow for a healthier lake environment.

The newly renovated St. Ferdinand Lake at St. Ferdinand Park now has upgraded colored fountains for a beautiful night scene.
The newly renovated St. Ferdinand Lake at St. Ferdinand Park now has upgraded colored fountains for a beautiful night scene.

The project still calls for some plants to be planted in the beds that were built during the dredging process. Plants will further enhance the new lake environment. The lake project is nearing completion and the lake will be stocked in late July.

For at least the next year “a catch and release program” for fishing will be put in place so the lake can be restocked properly. Feeding of the ducks is discouraged at St. Ferdinand Lake.

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