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Read MoreFriends of Old St. Ferdinand Shrine to Host Jesuit Days Celebration on Sept. 12
Each month a special activity is held at Old St. Ferdinand Shrine on the second Saturday of the month. On Saturday, Sept. 12 the Friends of Old St. Ferdinand will host Jesuit Days at the shrine from 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
A flea market will begin at 8 a.m. Concessions will be available throughout the day.
The early history of St. Ferdinand is centered around the involvement of the Jesuit Priests. Names like Father DeSmet the famous “Black Robe”, Bishop DuBourg, Father De La Croix and Father VanAssche are intertwined in the history and were instrumental in the success of the parish. The activities on Jesuit Day will center on this involvement.
The recently renovated second floor of the Rectory will be open and information will be available about the Jesuits of the Western Mission, the priests who served St. Ferdinand Parish. A 1 p.m. tour in the church will highlight the Jesuit participation at St. Ferdinand with emphasis on their impact on the western expansion of the United States.
Visitors will discover more about the on-going archeological dig conducted by McCluer North High School students with the support of the Ferguson-Florissant School District and Friends of Old St. Ferdinand. Other activities will include a book fair on the second floor of the schoolhouse.
For more information, visit the website, www.oldstferdinandshrine, email oldstferdinandshrine@gmail.com or call 314- 837-2110.