Florissant Seeking Grant to Upgrade St. Ferdinand Park

City parks were on the agenda at the Florissant City Council meeting this week.

The City of Florissant is requesting a grant from the Municipal Parks Grant Commission in order to help develop a master plan for St. Ferdinand Park. The city council unanimously approved a resolution supporting the grant application.

Mayor Robert Lowery explained that the grant will help the city improve the park. “It’s a beautiful park now,” he said, “now what else can we do?”

Lowery said the grant, which would be for approximately $8,000 ,would allow the city to study the park. “We could bring in some experts to work with the staff to lay out a master plan,” he said.

In other parks department news, the council passed a bill authorizing the naming of the nature lodge at Sunset Park the Behlmann – Zykan Nature Lodge. Mark Behlmann and Don Zykan were instrumental in raising the funds for the lodge and helped get it built.

“I thank the mayor for the recommendation for the naming of the Nature Lodge,” Councilman Tim Lee said. He said the mayor called him before the opening of the lodge to suggest the name.

Councilman Andrew Podleski said he wasn’t sure that naming something like the lodge after living people was a good idea.

“I think they deserve this,” Lowery said. “They should be recognized while they’re still alive.”

In other matters , the council:

o Approved an application for a full package liquor license to the Target store on Lindbergh. The store plans to offer wine as part of their plan to expand their food sales.

o Held a public hearing and first reading on a bill authorizing a special use permit to Joe’s Auto Mart to allow for the sale of vehicles and a detail shop at the property at 1125 Dunn Road.

The company already exists at the location. The new permit consolidates the sales and detailing under one permit. Jackie Pagano, representing Joe’s Auto Mart, said the shop was making changes, including exterior paint, and closing one of the entrances from Dunn Road

o Passed a bill authorizing the appropriation of $7,000 for building repairs at the police department. Lowery asked the council to give the bill three readings and a vote because parts of the police department were without air conditioning.

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